Gynaecomastia is a cosmetic surgical procedure for men that can help to reduce the size of the breasts
Gynaecomastia is a cosmetic surgical procedure for men that can help to reduce the size of the breasts
Gynecomastia is a common condition that affects men, where the breast tissue becomes enlarged. Dr. Senthil Supramaniam offers gynecomastia surgery, a cosmetic surgical procedure that can help to reduce the size of the breasts.
During the gynecomastia surgery, Dr. Supramaniam will remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to create a flatter and more contoured chest.
Costs of the treatment:
At Norwest Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a range of cosmetic breast surgeries tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our patients. All quotes are customised and will be provided during your consultation.
It is important to keep in mind that all surgical and invasive procedures come with inherent risks and potential complications. Before deciding to undergo any such procedure, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from a qualified healthcare practitioner. This will help ensure that you are well-informed about the potential risks and complications of a procedure.
Before undergoing Gynaecomastia surgery at Norwest Cosmetic Surgery, you will have two comprehensive consultations with Dr Senthil Supramaniam. During this consultation, Dr Senthil Supramaniam will explain the treatment, its mechanics, benefits, costs, as well as potential risks, complications, and the recovery process. You will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and desired outcomes with Dr Senthil Supramaniam. Following your consultation, Dr Senthil will devise a customised treatment plan that suits you best. As per the guidelines you must have two consultation, 7 days following your second consultation with Dr Senthil Supramaniam you will be able to book in a surgery date.
Following your Gynaecomastia surgical procedure with Dr Senthil Supramaniam, our post operative nurse will finish off by providing you with post-treatment instructions and schedule your dressing change and follow up appointments.
After undergoing gynaecomastia surgery, there are certain pre & post operative instructions you must follow which include:
Avoid touching or cleansing the areas for 7 days following surgery
You will attend Norwest Cosmetic Surgery for your one week follow up appointment where your dressings will be removed or changed
Limit physical activity and exposure to excessive heat and UV light for 6 weeks.
Wear a post-operative garment
Take prescribed pain medication. Avoid other pain relievers that can thin the blood and cause bleeding or bruising unless specifically instructed by your primary care doctor.
All surgical procedures have risks & complications and carry certain medical risks that may affect your overall well-being. Listed below are the known risks and complications associated with Gynaecomastia surgery:
Asymmetry, infection, scarring, nipple numbness and change in sensation, and visual changes. Excessive bleeding, post-operative infection, blood clots, and complications related to the heart and lungs. Other possible concerns include the development of discolored or keloid scars, infection, slow or poor wound healing, skin or fat necrosis, numbness or sensory changes, wound separation (dehiscence), persistent pain, and the risks associated with general anesthesia. Additionally, patients may experience swelling or the accumulation of fluid following the procedure.
For a full list of risks, recovery and complications associated with this procedure please visit https://www.norwestcosmeticsurgery.com.au/risks-complications-recovery. We encourage you to discuss risks with Dr Supramania at your consultation as well.
Each patient has their unique circumstances when considering Gynaecomastia surgery. The ideal situation would be to discuss any questions you have with your Doctor. The following FAQ answers are general, and a consultation with your Doctor is still recommended to answer them based on your personal circumstances.
Haematoma, Excessive bleeding, slightly uneven breasts or nipples, numbness and/or loss of breast sensation, skin laxity.
Recurrence of breast growth after surgery can occur if breasts are not fully developed
Back to work 7-10 days. Light Physical Exercise 1-2 weeks, Moderate Physical Exercise 3-4weeks, Strenuous Physical Exercise 5-6 weeks, and fading of incision scars, 6 - 12 months or more.
Scars are an unavoidable part of any invasive surgery. Your Doctor will endeavor to minimise scarring by placing the incisions along natural skin lines and creases. Scars may fade with time, becoming barely noticeable. Please advise your Doctor if you tend to scar easily.